According to the rules, I must list seven things about myself that you don't know. I'll also recognize other bloggers who deserve this award.
1. I was a majorette in junior high and high school. You know, a baton twirler who parades around at football halftime shows in a sequin swimsuit. It's about the cheesiest thing one could ever do, but alas, it was and is a blast. I was captain of our junior high and high school lines and did a little competitive twirling in middle school. I taught lessons for awhile in high school and college but have gotten away from twirling in the past three or four years. It's a dying art, folks. Keep it alive!
2. I attend NorthGate Church and am a member of the worship band. I play keys and sing backup. It's a blast, especially with the cool folks I get to play with. What's better than worshiping God and playing music? I started playing and singing at the Wesley Foundation in college. That's where I met my husband.
3. Apparently, I threw some terrible fits as a toddler. In fact, Mom said she had to put me in the garage sometimes until I cried it out. She said I would be fine after my little explosion and would let me back in the house. I'm not much of a fit thrower these days, so apparently Mother's tactics worked.
4. The trumpet was my instrument of choice in band. I played from 7th to 12th grade. Not gonna lie - band was one of my favorite classes as a junior and senior in high school. The trumpet/brass section had some pretty hilarious folks, so we always had a great time together wreaking havoc and whatnot.
5. I eat peanut butter on pancakes and with bananas and apples, and I dip my steamed veggies in A-1 sauce.
6. In my two-plus decades on this earth, I've broken two bones: my collar bone and my elbow. I fell off a porch swing as a kiddo and walked around in a back brace for awhile, and I fell while jumping hurdles in an intramural track meet in 7th grade and broke my elbow a few weeks before majorette tryouts (I tried out mainly left handed and still made the line. Booyah!)
7. Back in the day, I whooped my sister's tail in a junior golf tournament. If you know her, you should ask her about it. Side note - I tried hitting a few golf balls at the driving range during college, and let's just say it was ugly.
I hope this was informative and somewhat entertaining. Now, I want to hear from these stylish folks:
"What's better than worshiping God and playing music?" Maybe twirling at the same time!!!