I’m a blog lover. I’ve already talked about my undying love of décor blogs, but I like the funny, clever stuff, too. Let's go over five of my favorites.
Cake Wrecks
I learned of a new blog the other day, and it has since rocked my world. Cake Wrecks features just that – poorly made and/or decorated cakes that have been special ordered. The site thrives on submissions from less-than-happy folks who picked up their cake only to discover it turned out a total mess.
I learned of a new blog the other day, and it has since rocked my world. Cake Wrecks features just that – poorly made and/or decorated cakes that have been special ordered. The site thrives on submissions from less-than-happy folks who picked up their cake only to discover it turned out a total mess.
Full of grammar mistakes, poorly-drawn illustrations, icing mishaps and accidental sexual innuendos, this blog will have you laughing in no time. They’ve even published a book.
I’ll share a few of my personal favorites.
The Arkansas Razorback cake (and other mascot mess ups):

The Happy Boss's Day cakes

I Hate Papyrus
The “I Hate Papyrus” blog is a good one for type nerds like me. You've seen this typeface before. It's everywhere. People submit signage and text written in this boring, overused typeface. I feel like I could be friends with these people.

The “I Hate Papyrus” blog is a good one for type nerds like me. You've seen this typeface before. It's everywhere. People submit signage and text written in this boring, overused typeface. I feel like I could be friends with these people.
Stuff White People Like
This is another favorite of mine. I recommend the book, but the blog is a great alternative. You know the white people types this is referring to – those who love skinny jeans, pea coats (#111) Converse All Stars, ultimate Frisbee, expensive coffee, hatchback vehicles and sad-faced self portraits. I’ll be the first to admit that I fall into so many of these categories (clothing, especially). But that makes me enjoy this blog even more.
Hipster Christianity
This blog is a winner, hands down. As a Christian, this really cracks me up. For not being a religious or Christian scholar, I feel pretty well-versed in general Christian history and Bible knowledge, which makes this all the more hilarious to me. One of the best things about this site is that it has a quiz you can take to determine how hipster you are in your faith.

I Love Typography
This blog is a winner, hands down. As a Christian, this really cracks me up. For not being a religious or Christian scholar, I feel pretty well-versed in general Christian history and Bible knowledge, which makes this all the more hilarious to me. One of the best things about this site is that it has a quiz you can take to determine how hipster you are in your faith.
I Love Typography
ILT isn’t a humorous blog, but it’s full of cool typefaces. I don’t know much about type, but I can still like it, right? I’ve discovered some beautiful things here. I’m a sucker for the whispy, curly stuff.
What are your favorite blogs?